Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 50: This is How Boxing Championships Work

John is exchanging, Alison is rekindling her sensawunda, and Liz is watching the builders.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 49: Not Sufficiently Sassy

John is demanding, Alison joined a Discord, and Liz knows a lot about the WSFS Constitution.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 48: The Things You Nominate Are All Extremely Unpopular

John and Alison are watching cutting-edge TV, and Liz is hungry.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 47: Authors Eating John

John is sleepy, Alison is talking to Chinese fans, and Liz went to the Hugos.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 46: Is My Head Extremely Solid, Or What

John is afraid, Alison is in Portugal, and Liz is an absolute unit.


Octothorpe 45: A Fistful of Dongles

John, Alison, and guest Marguerite Smith are live from Novacon 50!

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 44: Quite a Lot of Big Buts

John might hire a camper van, Alison might wee twice before bed, and Liz might not plot enough graphs.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 43: Clip That Out, John

John is critically bereft, Alison made a mistake, and Liz is carving papayas.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 42: I‘m Up for Running Controlcon

John used to have a different face, Alison is going to Smofcon, and Liz is in disguise.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 41: Leaves the Beans In

John is going on holiday, Alison had a cold, and Liz is sleepy.