Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 51: Make TAFF a Four-Way Tie

John is a spoilsport, Alison is promoting and Liz might come to Eastercon.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 50: This is How Boxing Championships Work

John is exchanging, Alison is rekindling her sensawunda, and Liz is watching the builders.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 49: Not Sufficiently Sassy

John is demanding, Alison joined a Discord, and Liz knows a lot about the WSFS Constitution.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 48: The Things You Nominate Are All Extremely Unpopular

John and Alison are watching cutting-edge TV, and Liz is hungry.

Fanac Lulzine Uncategorized

Lulzine 18

Articles by John Coxon on The Santa Clause, Chuck Serface on holidaying in Ukraine, and John Coxon again on The Utterly, Utterly Merry Christmas Book 1986. Plus, a round-up of the year from Claire Brialey.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 47: Authors Eating John

John is sleepy, Alison is talking to Chinese fans, and Liz went to the Hugos.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 46: Is My Head Extremely Solid, Or What

John is afraid, Alison is in Portugal, and Liz is an absolute unit.

Fanac Lulzine

Lulzine 17

Articles by Palle Madsen on Best in Show and Christopher J. Garcia on The Star Wars Holiday Special.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 44: Quite a Lot of Big Buts

John might hire a camper van, Alison might wee twice before bed, and Liz might not plot enough graphs.

Fanac Lulzine

Lulzine 16

Articles by Alison Scott on Schmigadoon! and Christopher J. Garcia on the most- and least-wanted songs.