Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 70: Oh

John is logging in, Alison is getting emails, and Liz is collecting Pokémon.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 69: Hugo Thunderdome

John is Chris Garcia, Alison is Chris Garcia, and Liz is Chris Garcia.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 68: It Made John Laugh

John is clever, Alison has lost her composure, and Liz is confused by WSFS.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 67: Straight Back to Star Wars

John has hairspray, Alison has a tiara, and Liz has a necklace.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 66: Thank You, Steven

John is in the fanzine lounge, Alison is under a bison hat, and Liz is good, thank you.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 65: Action Castle 2

John is a computer; Alison and Liz are talking to him very slowly.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 64: Best Commemorative Plate

John is crying, Alison is lounging, and Liz is crocheting.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 63: Nonsense Divide

John has a button, Alison has a venue, and Liz once saw a computer that had been in Chris’s car.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 62: Do You Want to Talk About Lesbians?

John has superpowers, Alison is an alien in a human suit, and Liz likes cats.

Fanac Octothorpe

Octothorpe 61: That Little Voice in Your Head

John has a hat on, Alison is taking the baton, and Liz twirls.